150 research outputs found

    A Review of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) Gait Database As a Human Gait Recognition Dataset

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    Human Gait as the recognition object is the famous biometrics system recently. Many researchers had focused this subject to consider for a new recognition system. One of the important advantage in this recognition compare to other is it does not require observed subject’s attention and cooperation. There are many human gait datasets created within the last 10 years. Some databases that are widely used are University Of South Florida (USF) Gait Dataset, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) Gait Dataset, and Southampton University (SOTON) Gait Dataset. This paper will analyze the CASIA Gait Dataset in order to see their characteristics. There are 2 pre-processing subsystems; model based and model free approach. We will use 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). We select Haar wavelets to reduce and extract the feature

    Pemahaman Nilai-Nilai Etika Konsumsi Islam terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Masyarakat Indonesia

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    Konsumsi merupakan kegiatan ekonomi yang sangat penting karena seluruh masyarakat selalu terlibat di dalamnya. Teori ekonomi menyatakan bahwa manusia adalah makhluk ekonomi, selalu berusaha memaksimalkan kesejahteraannya, dan selalu bertindak rasional. Konsumen berusaha untuk memaksimalkan kepuasan karena sarana ekonomi mereka mengizinkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif sosial ekonomi. Metode penulisan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan sumber penulisan menggunakan sumber data primer dari buku, jurnal, dan literatur lain yang relevan dengan penulisan karya ilmiah ini. perilaku konsumen harus mampu menjawab aspek-aspek yang dikategorikan sebagai kebutuhan primer, kemudian kebutuhan sekunder dan tersier dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, aspek kebutuhan dan non-keinginan diprioritaskan untuk membatasi kebutuhan dan keinginan manusia yang selalu tidak terbatas. dari sudut pandang Islam, perilaku konsumsi ditentukan oleh kenyataan bahwa masyarakat awam, khususnya umat Islam, harus selalu menjaga unsur halal dan “tayiban” sebagai tanda konsumsi makanan, sehingga ketika mereka menggunakan pendapatannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokoknya. Selanjutnya, perilaku konsumsi dalam ekonomi Islam bertujuan untuk mencapai aspek material dan spiritual dari konsumsi, baik yang didefinisikan sebagai nilai guna total (total utility) dan nilai guna marjinal (marginal utility) dalam konsumsi yang dicapai dengan keseimbangan semua Muslim berusaha untuk memaksimalkan nilai utilitas dari semua barang yang dikonsumsi, sehingga menjadi lebih baik dan lebih optimis dalam kehidupan

    Kekakuan Kolom Baja Tersusun Empat Profil Siku Dengan Variasi Pelat Kopel

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    Steel has advantages such as high strength to weight ratio that lead to efficient cross section which is frequently encourage designer to create built-up structure. Built-up column steel structure also can be formed by various profile. However the column subjected to compression load will occur buckling which is related to element stiffness of structure. An element which has low stiffness is easier to buckle than element with high stiffness. The objective of this research is to characterize stiffness of built up column. Research is performed in laboratory by compression test of built up steel column to obtain its deflection value. Stiffness is calculated from division between capacities compression by its deflection value. This research has 9 samples test with couple distance variation are 50 cm, 33.3333 cm, respectively and 1 distance variation of column is couple plate type. SK SNI-03-1729-2002 code is used for analysis. Result shows that stiffness of built up steel column with couple plate distance 50 cm is 1617.6 kg/mm, column with different distance couple plate 33.333 cm is 5597.1 kg/mm, column with distance couple plate is 2571,4 kg/mm. Result of test show that stiffness of built up steel column increase by cutting short distance of couple plate

    Identifying Citronella Plants From UAV Imagery Using Support Vector Machine

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    High-resolution imagery taken from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is now often used as an alternative in monitoring the agronomic plants compared to satellite imagery. This paper presents a method to identify Citronella among other plants based on UAV imagery. The method utilizes Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify Citronella among other plants according to the extraction of texture feature. The implementation of the method was evaluated using two group of datasets: 1) consists of Citronella, Kaffir Lime, other green plants, vacant soil, and buildings, and 2) consists of Citronella and paddy rice plants. The evaluation results show that the proposed method can identify Citronella on the first group of datasets with an accuracy 94.23% and Kappa value 88.48%, whereas on the second group of datasets with an accuracy 100% and Kappa value 100%

    A New Feature Extraction Method for Classifying Heart Wall from Left Ventricle Cavity

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    Echocardiography is a method of examination with high-frequency sound waves to obtain images of heart organs. Examination of heart health conditions with echocardiography as an imaging method, serves to detect the potential for heart disease, thus that the right treatment from the evaluation results can be decided. Examination of the source of heart disease with echocardiography was performed using several views, namely the long axis, short axis, two-chamber, and four-chamber. However, the assessment of cardiac function is still carried out conventionally. Thus it is necessary to build a system that can assess cardiac function. This study proposes a feature extraction method for the classification of heart disease based on the left ventricular motion on the short-axis. In this method, feature extraction uses 24 good features for the process of tracking the movement of the left ventricle with optical flow. Each good feature produces four features, namely direction (negative direction and positive direction) and distance (negative distance and positive distance) from the results of left ventricular tracking and produces 96 attributes for the whole process. The features that have been obtained are then processed using several classification algorithms with validation techniques that are, k-folds, and leave one out. The result is a classification algorithm with a gradient boosting classifier method that has the best accuracy. Gradient boosting classifier produces accuracy values with validation techniques for k-folds 90.98%, and leave one out 93.23%. This shows that the gradient boosting classifier can be relied upon for the classification of heart disease using the proposed feature extraction method. In this study, we developed a new feature extraction method from the results of tracking the heart wall using optical flow. This algorithm can produce feature values from the tracking results that can be used to build a knowledge system for the classification of heart health conditions

    Designing and Building of 3D Adventure Game “Tetuko: Childhood of Ghatotkacha†Using Kinect

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    Nowadays, the young people are not interested in the local culture as a “wayang†puppet. This condition threatens the extinction of some of the local culture that should be a mainstay of the industry entering an era of creative industries. On the other hand, theyare more interested in playing computer games as changing of people's lifestyles. It becomes our basic idea to produce a game as a creative product. The genre of this game is fighting-adventure. This game depictures a story of fighting between the baby Tetuko and giant Kala Pracona. The game uses Kinect and 3D platform technology to attract more players to feel their adventures. With Kinect technology, the player can control the character with his gesture. Thus, this game will increase the awareness of young people about the culture of Wayang.Keywords : 3D game, kinect,adventure, local culture, creative industry

    Analisis Pengaruh Citra Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Di Assalaam Hypermarket

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Pengaruh Citra Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen di Assalaam Hypermarket”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh harga, pelayanan, kualitas produk, lingkungan fisik dan lokasi terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari para pengunjung Assalaam Hypermarket. Pada uji asumsi klasik ditemukan masalah data sedikit kurang normal, semua variabel anti multikolineritas, uji heteroskesdatisitas tidak ada masalah, pada pengujian hipotesis apabila variabel harga, pelayanan, kualitas produk, lingkungan fisik dan lokasi konstan, maka loyalitas konsumen di Assalaam Hypermarket akan semakin meningkat. Berdasarkan analisis uji t bahwa variabel harga dan lokasi mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen karena hasil uji statistic thitung lebih besar dari nilai ttabel maka Ho ditolak pada taraf siginifikansi 0,05. Sedangkan variabel pelayanan, kualitas produk dan lingkungan fisik tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen kaena hasil uji statistic thitung lebih besar dari nilai ttabel maka Ho diterima pada taraf signifikansi 0,05. Dari hasil perhitungan untuk nilai R2 diperoleh angka sebesar 0,521. Hal ini berarti 52,1% variasi loyalitas konsumen dijelaskan oleh oleh variasi perubahan faktor-faktor harga, pelayanan, kualitas produk, lingkungan fisik dan lokasi. Sementara sisanya 47,9% dijelaskan oleh faktor lain yang tidak ikut terobservasi oleh penelitian

    Fire Image Set for Evoking Panic

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    Fire is the closest disaster to us, a person who put cigarettes around flammable objects could burn one to dozens of houses. The last thing that happens was a mass panic. In this kind of situation, panic is one of the keys to determine how much probability someone will survive. However, detecting someone's panic during a fire is impossible. This leads some scientists to assume that mass panic was never happening and some studies use simple functions to determine someone when panic. Currently, thanks to technological advances we can easily build virtual worlds that resemble real events. To build a virtual world that could evoke panic we still need the right stimulus. In this paper, we will discuss with terms of fire disaster stimulus that possible to impel someone to feel panic. While some stimulus datasets that already exist have more broad categories, we wanted to focus on a specific problem. The determined parameters are considered through several elements that could cause a person to panic, either before or during a fire. By using the Self-Assessment Manikin system to obtain valance and arousal matrix, we conduct a test to see how much influence the fire categories stimulus provided

    Bus Arrival Prediction – to Ensure Users not to Miss the Bus

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    Predicting arrival times of buses is a key challenge in the context of building intelligent public transportation systems. The bus arrival time is the primary information for providing passengers with an accurate information system that can reduce passenger waiting times. In this paper, we used the normal distribution method to the random of travel times data in a bus line number 243 in Taipei area. In developing the models, data were collected from Taipei Bus Company. A normal distribution method used for predicting the bus arrival time in bus stop to ensure users not to miss the bus, and compare the result with the existing application. The result of our experiment showed that our proposed method has a better prediction than existing application, with the probability user not to miss the bus in peak time is 93% and in normal time is 85%, greater than from the existing application with the 65% probability in peak time, and 70% in normal time

    Remo Dance Motion Estimation with Markerless Motion Capture Using The Optical Flow Method

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    Motion capture has been developed and applied in various fields, one of them is dancing. Remo dance is a dance from East Java that tells the struggle of a prince who fought on the battlefield. Remo dancer does not use body-tight costume. He wears a few costume pieces and accessories, so required a motion detection method that can detect limb motion which does not damage the beauty of the costumes and does not interfere motion of the dancer. The method is Markerless Motion Capture. Limbs motions are partial behavior. This means that all limbs do not move simultaneously, but alternately. It required motion tracking to detect parts of the body moving and where the direction of motion. Optical flow is a method that is suitable for the above conditions. Moving body parts will be detected by the bounding box. A bounding box differential value between frames can determine the direction of the motion and how far the object is moving. The optical flow method is simple and does not require a monochrome background. This method does not use complex feature extraction process so it can be applied to real-time motion capture. Performance of motion detection with optical flow method is determined by the value of the ratio between the area of the blob and the area of the bounding box. Estimate coordinates are not necessarily like original coordinates, but if the chart of estimate motion similar to the chart of the original motion, it means motion estimation it can be said to have the same motion with the original.Keywords: Motion Capture, Markerless, Remo Dance, Optical Flo
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